How to Arrive

If you land at the airport of Santiago, these are the optimal ways to reach the hotels and the place of the Schol (University Andres Bello, UNAB).

To reach the departments of the University of Chile at Vitacura

If hosted at the departments of the University of Chile and arrive during the activity at working hours, from the airport go first to the UNAB, to get the keys of the department. Go to the secretary of the Physics Department of the UNAB located at the Street Sazie, Number 2315 (intersection with Avenue Republica). This is very close to the place of the School. There, the secretary will call the local organizer. If you will not arrive at working hours, please contact E. Menendez to organize your reception. The deparments are far from the place of the School. Please, follow the instructions to reach the UNAB below. The departments of the Univ of Chile are far, but the can be easily connected using the subway and a short run in taxi (se instructions below).

To go directly from the airport to Vitacura, you need to get there in a taxi or a microbus. I always use a microbus service named Transvip, (see it at , but do not bother to buy it online) this is shared between 5 or 6 persons, and takes you to the place for 10 USD for Vitacura or 7 USD to UNAB. This has a selling point inside the airport in the room where you take the baggage if I remember fine . For sure, there is a selling point about 20 m to the right of the exit door to to the public hall of the airport. In the same point you can buy an exclusive service (28 usd or 18000 pesos to Vitacura). There is another service named Transtur, more or less he same as Transvip. Usually there are persons with posters that read "Taxi Oficial". These are normal taxis, "oficial" is just for marketing, and the price is negociable.

You may use the same service to go to the airport calling to 677 3000 the day before the trip, or before. You can also by a go and return ticket. However, you may induce noise if you return to the airport starting from a different point.

You may have a look on the geography looking in, or just searching the address in Google:, for example: map Vitacura Nueva costanera 3840.

To arrive at the Hotel Conde de Ansurez or at the University Andres Bello (UNAB)

  1. Transvip, Transtur, or a taxi, as in the previous case.
    If you arrive late in the night, the taxi may be the only one choice. Transvip costs less about 7 USD.
  2. Take a big bus to Metro Station "Pajaritos" or to "Estacion Central" (is a train and subway station). It cost 1200 pesos (2 USD) a few months ago. There you take the subway in direction to "Escuela Militar", and get off at the station "Republica". You have to walk two squares from the subway station to the hotel. Take a look at the maps in the web site of the hotel.
    If you go to the UNAB, just need to walk two more blocks.
    Map of the subway. Look at Linea 1.

To arrive at the Hotel Neruda

  1. Transvip, Transtur, or a taxi, as in the previous case.
    If you arrive late in the night, the taxi may be the only one choice. Transvip costs less about 8 or 9 USD.
  2. Take a big bus to Metro Station "Pajaritos" or to "Estacion Central" (is a train and subway station). It cost 1200 pesos (2 USD) a few months ago. There you take the subway in direction to "Escuela Militar", and get off at the station "Pedro de Valdivia". You have to walk towards The Andes, one or two squares from the subway station to the hotel. Take a look at the maps and pictures in the web site of the hotel.

Map of the subway. Look at Linea 1.

To reach the University Andres Bello

  1. From Vitacura (Departments of Univ. of Chile). Take a taxi until Metro Los Leones. There take the metro (subway) until the station "Republica" in direction "San Pablo". Walk two squares with the Andes and your back, until the street Republica, and turn go to Republica 252.
  2. From Hotel Conde Ansurez. Just walk to Republica 239.
  3. From Hotel Neruda. Take the subway at the station "Pedro de Valdivia" or at "Los Leones" in direction "San Pablo". Get off at the station Republica. Walk two squares with the Andes and your back, until the street Republica, and turn go to Republica 252.

In Republica 239, enter to a Hall and look for a Registration Desk.

Places of the activity

Registration. Republica 239. Lobby.

Advanced Workshop. Republica 239. Auditorium Andres Bello.

Lab sessions of High Performance Computing and Espresso Tutorial. Republica 230. Labs 101 and 102.

Lectures (HPC and Espresso Tutorial). Republica 250, Lecture Room 301, to be specified

Secretary. Sazie 2315 (corner with Republica), Ground Level. Departamento de FĂ­sica